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Driver Training Facility

The Driver Training Facility is designed to greatly reduce deaths, personal injuries, lost productivity and insurance expenditures associated with police motor vehicle accidents.

The Highway Response Course is an expandable one mile oval roadway with interior connections to simulate driving conditions. It provides flexibility in training with a segmentable course that allows up to three simultaneous exercises, standard state highway signage allows clockwise and counter-clockwise vehicle direction, and a closed circuit television system allows remote observation and taping/playback capabilities.

The Tactical Course is a fifteen acre training area segmented to allow specialized skills and simulation of urban driving conditions. Supporting the driving courses is a building complex with 7,000 square feet for classrooms and office support. A simulator room equipped with the Mobile Operation Simulators gives the facility the most advanced driver training available.

The Drivers Training Unit provides the following training at the facility: Emergency Vehicle Operations - In-Service Two-day course; Emergency Response Two-day course; Accident Avoidance One-day course; SUV/SAV One-day course; Vehicle Skills Enhancement One-day course; and Emergency Vehicle Operations Instructor Ten-day course.

To schedule training for your agency at the Driver Training Facility, contact the DTF Administrator listed on the Contact Us page. To view course postings hosted by MPCTC, such as EVOC Instructor and In-Service, visit the Training Calendar.