Parole and Probation Training
Academy Training
It is the mission of the Parole and Probation Training Unit to provide the highest quality academic and scenario based training curriculum available.
The Parole and Probation Training Unit will provide professional, effective, efficient and safe training to prospective Parole and Probation Agents and Drinking Driver Monitors. All training and activities will be conducted in a fair and impartial manner while showing dignity and respect to all recruits.
The goal of the training unit is to equip Parole and Probation Agents and Drinking Driver Monitors with the understanding that their clients deserve a level of service that is professional, ethical, lawful, sensitive, respectful and consistent with the law and public's interest.
In-Service Training
The Maryland Correctional Training Commission requires mandated Parole and Probation staff to complete 18 hours of in-service training in order to maintain their certification. However, Parole and Probation leadership have determined that mandated staff must complete 40 hours of mandatory annual in-service training approved by the Commission. For any questions, Please contact the Training Unit,
Instructions on enrolling in MPCTC hosted training program can be found here: DPP_Instructions All attendees must be registered via a DPP Regional Training Coordinator (RTC) using Names are provided via the link. A valid email address and employee certification number are required to register. Cancellation requests must also go through the RTC and be sent prior to the 3-business day cancellation window to avoid penalty. Questions can be sent to
All certified classes by MPCTC will have a written examination comprised of True/False, Multiple Choice, Essay and/or a Performance Test in which the participant must demonstrate proficiency in a skilled area. Participants must achieve a score of 75% on written examinations and/or be rated satisfactorily in all areas to pass a performance test. A participant needs to be present for the entire class in order to take the test. There is zero-tolerance for cheating in any form. Any student caught cheating shall be removed from the academy.
Unless otherwise stated, Level 1 or Level 2 dress code is required for all training classes.
Unless otherwise advised by Training Unit staff, the use of electronic devices are not permitted during training. In case of an emergency, please contact the front desk at 410-875-3400, or the DPP Training Unit 410-875-3436 or 410-875-3591.
Arriving late to training is very disruptive to the class. Late participants will not be permitted into class.
Disruptive and/or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated. Anyone unable to adhere to the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services ("DPSCS") Standards of Conduct will receive a failing grade and be removed from the academy and/or training class. This includes any unprofessional behavior during training.
If you attend training provided by an agency other than The Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commissions (PCTC), you are required to request documentation confirming your successful completion of the course. (This includes CN5, Fingerprinting, training offered by Law Enforcement Agencies, etc.). It is the employee's responsibility to ensure the MD Police and Correctional Training Commissions' has certified the class. The Training Unit may be contacted at to confirm if the class qualifies for in-service credits.
Please email completed training documentation immediately upon successful completion of a program to the Training Unit (
To receive credit for CN5
Log onto CJIS
Clear screen Type GIAM
Hit enter File
Print screen
Paste into email and send to the Training Unit at
To receive credit for Techniques of Fingerprinting Email the below document to the Training Unit (
The yearly training hour requirement for clerical and support employees is six (6) hours of job related training. These hours do not need to be MPCTC approved, but are to be reported to the Training Unit (
Below is a list of online self-paced training that is certified by the MD Police & Correctional Training Commissions (MPCTC) for in-service hours. Please read each course's description and instructions carefully. Several programs' platforms will require the creation of an account. Also note that a class can only be credited once per calendar year.
Unless otherwise stated, in order to receive credit for completed hours, the student must email completed training documentation immediately upon successful completion of a program to the DPP Training Unit. For information on how to print/save to a PDF, please watch the Printing to PDF tutorial. Please contact the training with questions regarding the process, or the below programs.
DPP Training Unit
Available Topics
DNA Collection, produced by MD State Police (.5 hours) This online MD State Police training will provide participants tools to verify if DNA collection is needed. It will take participants through the process of collecting and submitting DNA as required by law.
Interstate Compact Offender Tracking System (ICOTS) (3 hours) This course will provide a basic overview of the Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision (ICAOS) rules and processes. It will detail ICAOS Retaking Rules, specifically addressing Probable Cause Requirements. In addition, it will illustrate Interstate Compact Offender Tracking System (ICOTS) functions required by designated users. Students must complete these modules between July 10, 2022, and July 10, 2025.
READ IN FULL: You will be required to complete all Modules 100-103, 201-203, and 300-304 for the training credit to be applied. Partial credit cannot be given. You will be required to create an account. Click "Create New Account" at the bottom right of the screen, and complete all required fields. Once logged in, you will be able to access the training modules by clicking "Catalogue" at the top of the screen. The student is required to complete all Modules 100-103, 201-204, and 300-304 for the training credit to be applied. Partial credit cannot be given. To obtain credit for the training, the student must have achieved greater than 80% on the test for each module. Upon completion of the modules, upload your results from each module. To access results, go to the Catalogue. Click the 3-dots at the top right hand corner of each training module and select "Results." Please attach those documents to the ICOTS cover sheet and email all documents AS ONE PDF to the training unit (DO NOT send separate attachments). Scores uploaded as multiple documents will be returned.
Mandatory Reporter Training (2 hours) training provides the information you need to understand relevant Maryland laws and your role under the law, recognize signs of abuse and neglect, and how to go about making a report. The training is free, self-paced, and authorized by the Board of Social Work Examiners in Maryland to qualify for Category II continuing education units.
Soaring 2 (2 hours each - up to 10 hours) include Risk Needs & Assessment, Motivation & Client Engagement, Case Planning, Client Change & Crime Desistance, and Problem Solving.
READ IN FULL: Upon completion of the Soaring 2 modules, the student will need to print/save the user report showing the grades of each quiz, as well as EACH individual quiz (first page only with the date and score). Please attach those documents to the Soaring cover sheet and email all documents AS ONE PDF to the training unit (DO NOT send separate attachments). Each module is worth 2 hours. The student must have achieved greater than 80% on the quizzes for each module.
DPP staff can contact your assigned Regional Training Coordinator to request current training hours.
You can always check the MDLE Public Calendar (no login required) to see available seats in upcoming classes.
The below videos are provided as refresher training for Division of Parole & Probation (DPP) employees within the Maryland Department of Public Safety & Correctional Services (DPSCS). The material is from previously recorded webinars hosted by the Parole & Probation training unit. The training videos do not include a quiz and therefore not approved for in-service hours. The information is refresher training for any DPP employee who needs a review of the topic(s).
Available Videos
DPSCS Topics
E-Services Training: E-services is the electronic method for all agencies to report their claims. The system also generates reports for users to access. Training will explain how to: Report an injury online; Query a reported injury or claim; Run detailed reports & loss runs; Access to Safety Center. (Duration: 56 minutes)
IWIF & Return to Work Training: This course will review the process of filing a claim with IWIF given an employee is injured on the job, state your responsibilities to the employee and the agency. Also, the course will review all aspects of the DPSCS Return to Work (RTW) program, including the pilot, benefits, implementation, how RTW works, your participation and responsibilities. (Duration: 49 minutes)
DPP Specific
Assessment & Case Planning: This is a computer based instructional program (webinar) that provides fundamental information about Assessment & Case Planning for Division of Parole & Probation staff. (Duration: 50 minutes)
Earned Compliance Credits: Review policy on earned compliance credit, recall eligibility criteria related to legal offense information, recall compliance criteria as it relates to each case, and application of ECC evaluation. (Duration: 27 minutes)
Global Harmonization Systems: This course will identify the "Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals as well as identify the changes of the Hazard Communication Standard. In addition the course will identify the "Right to Understand" versus "Right to Know" to improve personnel's knowledge about the possible dangers of chemicals they work around. Also, personnel will learn how to protect themselves from the chemicals they work around. (Duration: 27 minutes)
Intake: Review of the DPP intake process, policies and procedures. (Duration: 48 minutes)
Report Writing: This course defines for students the purpose of supervision reports, recalls the guidelines for writing supervision reports, and reviews the criteria for writing technically sound reports. This course additionally reviews with students the process of creating and submitting supervision reports through the OCMS reporting system, and provides the student an opportunity to practice writing technically sound reports.
DPP staff can contact your assigned Regional Training Coordinator to request current training hours.
You can always check the MDLE Public Calendar (no login required) to see available seats in upcoming classes.
Currently Scheduled Classes