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Statewide Administrative Charging Committee

In July 2022, the Statewide Administrative Charging Committee was authorized by the General Assembly in July 2022 (Chapter 59, Acts of 2021). The Statewide Administrative Charging Committee serves statewide and bi-county law enforcement agencies. Five members constitute the Committee. Three are appointed by the Governor, one by the Senate President, and one by the House Speaker. Annually, the Chair is chosen by the Committee.

Meeting at least monthly, the Committee reviews the findings of each law enforcement agency’s investigations of complaints of police misconduct involving a member of the public forwarded by the agency to the Committee. From information related to the investigation, the Committee makes determinations and recommendations. It reviews relevant body camera footage, may call a police officer before the Committee, determines if a police officer should be charged administratively and, if so, recommends discipline. It submits written opinions to the chief of the law enforcement agency, the accused police officer, and the complainant.

Any inquiries regarding the Committee can be directed to .

Annual Reports

The Statewide ACC develops an annual report outlining the activities of the Committee from the prior year, along with case statistics.

Meeting Information

Statewide Administrative Charging Committee (ACC) meetings are held virtually on a monthly basis. Scheduled dates and access information is available below. Contact with any questions.

Scheduled Meeting Dates
1:00pm start time
Link for all meetings:
*Portions of the meeting will be held in closed session

December 30th, 2024
January 27th, 2025
February 24th, 2025
March 24th, 2025
April 24th, 2025
May 27th, 2025
June 24th, 2025
July 24th, 2025
August 25th, 2025
September 24th, 2025
October 27th, 2025
November 24th, 2025
December 29th, 2025