Special Police Officer Training
The 2020 Maryland Legislature passed HB1111, which revised the Public Safety Article (PSA)sections 3-303 and 3-312. HB1111 added mandated training requirements for both initial and renewal Special Police Officer Commission (SPO).
MPCTC is responsible for reviewing and approving training programs. Any questions regarding Special Police licensures should be directed to the MD State Police. Visit mdsp.maryland.gov for further information. Questions regarding Special Police programs can be sent to mpctccertifications.dpscs@maryland.gov.
The Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission (PTSC) shall assist the Maryland State Police (MSP), Licensing Division in ensuring that the requirements of PSA 3-303 and 3-312 are completed according to the statutory requirements by authorizing Training Providers and Programs to be taught to meet this mandate. Documents below provide details on how to apply for these authorizations.
- Special Police Training Objectives *By Topic* (PDF) Effective 07/01/2025
- Special Police Training Objectives *By Objective Number* (PDF) Effective 07/01/2025
- Special Police Training Objectives (PDF) 2021 Version
- SPO Provider and Program Application Form (PDF)
- SPO Provider Instructions (PDF)
- SPO Agency Training Contact List (PDF) 11-1-2024
- SPO Entry Level Program Sponsors (PDF) 11-1-2024
- SPO Inservice Programs and Sponsors (PDF) 11-1-2024
- Lexipol Course Conversion List (PDF) 11-1-2024
- Lexipol Conversion Informational Letter (PDF)